Please Sign this Petition

Dear Readers,

Please sign this petition:

“Baby Girl” Veronica Brown is a three year old Cherokee child who has lived with her biological Cherokee father Dusten Brown and his family for 19 months in Oklahoma. Matt and Melanie Capobianco from South Carolina are trying to adopt and a remove Baby Girl from a loving and safe Native American family. The South Carolina Supreme Court has granted the adoption without due process or a hearing to determine what is in her best interest. She will be removed from a fit Native parent, a loving Native family and Native community in which she has thrived. Dusten Brown has been denied a fair hearing. This is an example of destruction of tribes and against the Indian Child Welfare Act.

I have been following this case closely, and am appalled by what has been happening. When I am less emotional I want to write more about this case, but for now, I implore you to sign the petition to keep the sanctity of the ICWA and allow Veronica Brown to remain living with her biological dad, sisters, stepmom, grandparents and connected to her Cherokee roots. As an adoptee I am shocked and angered by the vicious attacks on the character of the biological father, the blatant disregard for ethics and what is really in the ‘best interest’ of this child. It has become a game where money=power and adoptive couples with money are bullying the system in order to raise a child who does not need a new home.