A Good day for a Faux Hawk


Sometimes I just need a change, so yesterday I rocked a faux hawk in the Fremont district of Seattle. The sun was out and there was a spring in my step, despite the dwindling amount of sleep we’ve been getting in the past few weeks (seriously, the teeth just need to COME IN NOW!). I had the day off since it was evaluation week and class wasn’t being held, so I headed on up to meet a friend for lunch.


Potamus was rocking a pirate-ship tank and skinny jeans. He fits right in as a circus strong-man or a hipster.



Before lunch we headed on down to the river to watch the boats go by and were visited by some friendly ducks.


The ducks enjoyed our snacks, though Potamus didn’t quite have the trick of crumbling the crackers down. After he threw 3 full animal crackers into the water I decided that we didn’t need to waste our entire lunch on the ducks. Needless to say, Sir Duck was less-than-thrilled with this arrangement. He came right on up to me and basically said, “what the DUCK lady, I want more snacks.”



I then decided it was time to leave and make it to our lunchtime extravaganza!


Of course we ordered Rainier Beer. Fremont’s Red Door has the old Rainier Brewery sign out front and a light beer on a sunny day was JUST what I needed. We sat and chatted and sunned ourselves and Potamus behaved himself beautifully. It was one of those perfect moments that I wish I could bottle up…



Of course he fell asleep on the ride home, which meant for a less-than-perfect naptime schedule. Not sure if that contributed to his supreme crabbiness the rest of the afternoon or the fact that he’s an extrovert and would love to be out all day if he could. Sometimes that is EXHAUSTING for an introvert mama. I do love spending time with my friends, but when I come home I want to unwind and Potamus is crabby because the house is quiet and he wants there to be a lot going on. I admit, this is when I sometimes turn on the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse to fill the house with sounds that don’t drive me too crazy.