Fox News & a Flooded Bathroom


My parents are visiting for a few days so that they can get their taxes done AND see their grandson all in one fell swoop. Additionally, this leaves us able to go out to dinner with Boof’s family, since his sister is in town from Georgia! Hurray! Yay for grandparents!

Except for when it’s not so ‘yay.’ Like, today, when Potamus hadn’t napped all day and I drove him home to get a nap in before we had to go for dinner. I walked into the house and found Fox News blaring on the TV (I swear, it’s all my parents watch, and it makes me insane-asylum-crazy to listen to it 24/7) and the bathroom flooded.


My parents had taken a crap in the toilet, knew it flooded, “tried” to plunge it, and then just left. When I called my mom to inquire (after a small internal freakout and half hour spent trying to get Potamus to finally take a goddamn nap) about why there was enough standing water in the bathroom to float a small rubber duck, she replied:

“Oh, it wasn’t like that when we left!”

She was entirely too chipper for my liking. Especially since SURE it wasn’t like that when you left, but with a toilet bowl that’s continually running, the four hours you’ve been gone it went from dripping to a giant-ass puddle on my bathroom floor that I now have to figure out how to clean up with a toilet that is still clogged. It’s like having teenagers living in my house. Irresponsible teenagers even.

Talk about shitty all around!

But I only hit the wall one time with my fist, so I feel like I’m really utilizing those good coping skills. Which means there’s been progress. And I’m contemplating blocking Fox News from even showing up on our channel list so they might have to engage with something other than their normal propaganda. Like maybe I’ll only allow Ellen to be shown, because she makes me happy and irks  my dad with all her fabulous gayness.


I hope the rest of the weekend isn’t as crappy. Ha!



  1. You could discreetly unplug the TV and say it’s broken. Folks never look to see if it’s been unplugged because people just accept things are constantly plugged in as Nature’s Law. 😉

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